By Rosalind Russell – A flag raising of the Community Living flag was held in Espanola yesterday to mark the beginning of Community Living Awareness Month in Ontario
Staffers and community members of Community Living attended the flag-raising at Town Hall to celebrate the successes and mark the challenges the organization goes through throughout the year.
The Community Living movement strives to promote authentic community inclusion for people who have an intellectual disability and their families.
People with an intellectual disability (which includes diagnoses such as Autism, Down Syndrome, Fragile X Syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, and Prader-Willi syndrome) face challenges in their cognitive functioning that affect areas of daily living. Because of this, they often face negative stereotypes and assumptions that underestimate their strengths, contributions, and potential, and exclude them from many parts of society.
This includes the more than 100,000 people in the province that Community Living Ontario has been advocating for and with for over 70 years.
The public is asked to wear blue and green to show their support for the organization.