Elliot Lake boy walks out of hospital under his own power

By Rosalind Russell – An Elliot Lake five-year-old continues to astound his doctors with his tenacity and zest for life.

Jessie Hennessey says her son, Elijah, had major surgery barely a week ago, and is now walking under his power.

She says the surgery involved repairing his heart, all four chambers and two perfect ventricles, to allow for normal blood circulation.

The five-year-old was born with several heart problems and many doctors who assessed him did not believe he would even survive, but Elijah has beaten the odds once again.

Jessie says her proudest moment so far was Elijah walking out of the hospital yesterday under his own power.

She adds his recovery continues and she looks forward to him being able to do all the things a normal little boy enjoys at his age.

Photo: Elijah Hennessey of Elliot Lake has astounded his doctors once again. After undergoing major surgery last week to repair congenital birth defects in his heart, he left the hospital under his own power this week. The five-year-old who just graduated kindergarten is looking forward to now being able to do the things that other kids of his age enjoy so much. Photo provided by Jessie Hennessey.

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