Elliot Lake might reopen summer day camp cancelled last year

By Rosalind Russell – The new Elliot Lake council is considering reviving the popular summer day camp cancelled last year due to the city failing to attract qualified counsellors.

Council, at its meeting last week, decided to work towards reaching an agreement with the YMCA to operate a camp here which has operated in Elliot Lake for many years.

That decision came following a presentation from resident Kaley Robinson.

Robinson said she was an optimist about the plan proposed by the city recreation and culture standing committee to look into an option to enter an agreement with the YMCA

Acting Mayor Andrew Wannan supported the move and received support from his council to move ahead with the YMCA contract.

Photo: If all goes well between the city of Elliot Lake and the YMCA, there could be a summer program for kids this summer. Photo – tegan mierle – unsplash.com

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