By Rosalind Russell – Espanola council, admin staff and Algoma-Manitoulin MPP Mike Mantha gathered at the Espanola Regional Recreation Complex yesterday afternoon to mark the installation of the new HVAC air system.
Espanola Mayor Doug Gervais says last year the facility was in desperate need of a new Make-Up Air Unit, (MUA) to filter and heat air in the complex, thanking the staff for carrying out the work to bring the project to fruition.
Gervais says the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) provided just over $58,000 to pay for the new unit and the contribution is much appreciated.
Mantha also acknowledged the importance of the foundation providing the funding, which is fully paid for, to allow safe, healthy access to the facility.
“For years, I have enjoyed many opportunities to visit the Espanola Regional Recreation Complex. No matter when I come, it’s always a bustling place,” says Mantha, who went on to observe that the community is fortunate to have such a fine facility at its disposal.
“Now, with OTF’s generous support, the Complex has been able to upgrade its environmental controls and conditions to make it safer, healthier and more enjoyable. As I see it, the improvements are not an expense, but rather an investment and vote of confidence by the foundation in the community.”
In addition to the installation of the new HVAC unit, the Town is committed to investing in ways to increase the year-round use of the facility. The complex is used by hundreds of members and patrons from across the Manitoulin-LaCloche and North Shore region throughout the year for fitness activities, meetings, special events, community programs, celebrations, and fundraisers. Thanks to the OTF grant, residents of Espanola and surrounding areas will continue to have access to healthy recreation activities.
The Espanola Regional Recreation Complex is committed to providing healthy active living opportunities to all residents of Espanola and surrounding area. It offers over 2,000 hours of fitness and aquatics programming annually, as well as ice programming in the fall and winter months. If you wish to enquire about recreation programs or services, visit the website at:
The Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) is an agency of the Ontario government with a mission to build healthy and vibrant communities across the province. Visit to learn more.
The contribution was also acknowledged with the erection of a plaque in the hall where the change rooms access is located. It has been completed in time for the fall season and the 25th anniversary celebration of the complex set for October 17th.