Espanola council defers water request from Boogie Mountain

By Rosalind Russell – Espanola council has deferred a water rate request from the town’s ski club, Boogie Mountain until some legal advice is sought.

The resort is asking the municipality to waive the cost of water and sewer rates for a period of five years.

However, in the Public Works report, it was stated under the regulations that water and sewer operations are to be self-funded from the rates and not subsidized from taxation and that any exemption of cost for the provision of water would be passed on to other water users.

Councillor John Nadeau moved the motion to defer until the November meeting based on clarifying the legal status of such a move.

It was also noted council could expect similar requests of this nature from other high volume water users.

The council agreed and will discuss the new information at its next meeting before making a final decision. 

Photo: Tom Hutchinson, the general manager of Boogie Mountain met with Espanola council last night to ask water and sewer rates be waived for a period of five years. Council was given four options to look at with Public Works recommending that no exception be made since the move could mean similar requests from other high volume water users. Councillor John Nadeau wants more legal advice, so he moved a motion to have the matter deferred until further legal advice is sought. Zoom Photo by Rosalind Russell

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