By Rosalind Russell – The Espanola Lions Club has donated to the Massey Agricultural Society in support of its fair and to build new community gardens around Massey.
Lion’s spokesperson, Grant Lewis, says the club has donated $4,000 to establish ten small plots throughout Massey at schools and family gardens around town.
He says the funding will be provided for all the materials including the galvanized steel round containers, seeds, and soils to ensure a positive outcome.
He adds equipment will also be provided to start up worm farms and day-old chicks will be given out to kids and their families to take care of and be judged as part of the Grow Your Show at the fair.
Combine all this with music, rides, horse pulls exhibits, crafts, vendors, face painting, plus a host of other activities, and you have one fun filled weekend in August, emphasizes Lewis.
Photo: On hand to accept the cheque from the Espanola Lions Club are Dianne Emiry and Evan Fenton, Junior Director of the Massey Agricultural Society. Photo by Karma Lyn Grigg.