What do 345 enthusiastic kids, scores of dedicated volunteers, a keen Executive and great weather all combine to make! A successful Espanola Minor Ball season which runs from May to the end of June.
The League is broken up into 6 divisions: T Ball, Junior Rookie, Senior Rookie, Mosquito, Peewee, and Bantam. Coaches for the 27 teams are all volunteers; helmets and bats are provided; trophies go to every kid; tournaments are scheduled for the end of June. This means a lot of organization and money!
The Espanola Lions was thrilled to present a cheque for $11,000 through Catch the Ace profits. Aimee Belanger did a “home run” job as fund raising chair.
On hand to receive the cheque are Aimee Belanger and Cori Duplessis chair of Espanola Minor Ball. Great job everyone!
Photo and article…Grant Lewis