Rosalind Russell – Several issues, including funding school board elections, were discussed at the Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities’ latest board meeting.
The northern group met in Wawa on Friday.
“Even in a situation in a municipality where the total council and mayor are acclaimed, communities still have to foot the bill for education election,” says Danny Whalen, FONOM President. “There’s an unfairness there.”
He says in some cases councils are taking care of it and they really don’t have any involvement in the election.
“Perhaps that should be the responsibility of the school board and not the municipality, or at least the school board should be footing the bill for it,” Whalen says.
Other issues discussed included the province’s More Homes Built Faster Act, waste water disposal from short-term rentals on the water, and so-called ‘catch and release justice’ involving the repeated arrest of the same offenders.
Whalen says more input is expected on catch and release justice before FONOM drafts any resolutions.
Photo by Elections Canada