Funding supports needed for trail enhancements and improvements in Blind River/Mississauga FN 

By Rosalind Russell – Two North Shore corridor communities are partnering together to put together an agreement with the Trans Canada Trail organization to secure funding for their section of the trail. 

Blind River Facilities and Community Services director Karen Bittner says the town is working with Mississauga First Nation to reach an agreement with Trans Canada Trail to secure potential grants.  

Bittner says the deal would allow for the communities to not only market the trail system, but also provide an opportunity apply for funding to offset trail maintenance and possible improvements. 

She adds both communities want the trails to be accessible year-round and that requires maintenance. 

She says the agreement will also enhance the trail through new/updated signage, access to funding for trail remediation, as well, expand marketing reach.  

Bittner hopes to have an update for council soon. 

PHOTO: The world’s longest recreation trail, the Trans Canada Trail is also part of the trail systems in Blind River and Mississauga First Nation. The two communities are signing an agreement to partner together to enhance marketing opportunities and possible upgrades. Check it out online. Photo -wikipedia 

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