By Rosalind Russell – A grand opening ceremony has been held in Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nation to celebrate the opening of their new elementary school, Biidaaban Kinoomaagegamik.
Students were welcomed into the building on September 3rd for their first day in the new facility, but a community celebration was held last week.
Gimaa Angus Toulouse says the children will have access to everything they need all in one building while also offering Sagamok’s rich history, language and culture, and the ongoing Treaty relationship into the classroom.
Director of Education Vance McPherson followed sharing the four pillars of Sagamok’s Education Department – Safe and Supported Learning; Awesome Learning Experiences; Clear and Adaptive Processes; and Anishnaabe language and culture infused throughout the new school.
Messages from the federal and provincial governments were also shared followed by tours, and an official dedication by Anna Marie Abitong, the former Director of Education, who noted the history of the school’s name, which means the first glimpse of light seen at the beginning of each new day.
Photos provided – Cutlines included