Photo and article by Grant Lewis – Sometimes Mother Nature can be sweet and cooperative and other times she can be downright NASTY. For the Executive, staff, and instructors at Boogie Mountain this winter she was most unmotherly. Instead of the usual 600 ski lessons this season, the staff were only able to pull off 200! Instead of 6 days of skiing for Seniors, there were only 3! The entire facility was only fully operational for 17 days!
But “Big Air” got off the ground,literally, and a first time racing team of 8 skiers was established. Free sledding was available for 5 days. So not all was doom and gloom….a bit slushy perhaps.
Thanks to a generous grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, two giant snow guns were purchased and made enough snow to accommodate 15 school visits. These snow making machines are mobile and can be towed, pulled, pushed, dragged up and down the hill to help out Mother Nature.
Three instructors completed their C.A.D.S. certificates which then allows
them to instruct skiing enthusiasts with any kind of disability. A true asset to the programs at the Hill.
Stay tuned for some very exciting events at the Hill THIS SUMMER: a triathlon, a mud run in September, a golf tournament in July, Sports camp for kids during the summer, frisbee golf, soccer, “Big Air”, and MORE.
So Mother Nature…..you tried your best to scupper the winter at Boogie Mountain….it almost worked but true grit, perseverance and dedication yet again prevailed. The Lions Club was honoured to present a cheque for $5,600 to as part of our Catch the Ace fundraiser. Well done Boogie Mountain!