by Rosalind Russell – Around&About is still waiting for the official word about a major residential fire that occurred over the weekend. A home, large trailer, and small garage were all destroyed in a fire that is believed to have begun around three am on Saturday morning. Neighbours near the Mead Blvd home (across from the Mead Blvd Circle) say they heard a large boom with Manitoulin OPP and the Espanola Firefighters arriving on the scene minutes later. The fire quickly spread to all three structures and firefighters remained on the scene until 7:30 pm Sunday. One neighbour says it was very frightening with flames shooting high in the air and the sound of the fire was deafening one of the most frightening experiences she has ever had. Surrounding residents were evacuated while the fire was being brought under control. There has been no release as to the cause or if there are injuries. We will update the story once we receive more information. We will also let the community know what the family will need to help in their recovery. Photos by Rosalind Russell