Mothering Sunday is not to be confused with the practice of Mother’s Day.
Mothering Sunday dates back to the 16th century in England. On this special day people would attend honour the church where they were baptized as a child. Not all Christian denominations believe in infant or children being baptized (a theological question for some other time.) Some denominations will dedicate infants or children. Of course, in baptism or dedication there is an emphasize that the parents will bring their child up in the Christian faith.
Mothering Sunday was an opportunity for individuals to reconnect with the primary church that fostered their spiritual growth as a Christian and understanding of God. The church where they were initiated into the family of God.
Mothering Sunday is celebrated on the fourth Sunday during lent. The tradition of Mothering Sunday gradually started to be neglected. However, some parishes in Britian continue to practice this tradition. For the most part it has been replaced with Mother’s Day in which the emphasis is on their mother rather than their home church.
For many it would be difficult due to distance to attend the church that they first called home. Instead, it has become a day when Christians might consider going to the church where they have found a connection. This would be called their home church. I think of this as a church which has adopted them as a child of God in the Body of Christ. Although they attend functions at that church, they only find themselves on special seasons such as Christmas and Easter going to a worship service.
The members of St. George’s, Espanola are celebrating their hundredth year in 2024. To commemorate this special year their service we are inviting people on Sunday, March 10th to come to the Eucharist service at 11 a.m. There will be refreshments after service. Instead of serving the traditional simnel cake, which is similar to a fruit cake, they are choosing an easier option, a carrot cake. All are invited; however, I would encourage you to reconnect with the church you call home. Do not worry, the ceiling will not cave in. Even if they are not celebrating Mothering Sunday your Heavenly Father will be happy to see you there.
Submitted by Reverend Beverly van der Jagt (St. George’s Anglican Church and The United Church of Espanola)