By Rosalind Russell – The Chiefs of Ontario First Nations Women’s Council says yesterday was a day to honour and remember Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and continue to push for a national alert system.
According to the release, the implementation of a Red Dress Alert project has been slow moving, with New Democratic Party Member of Parliament Leah Gazan leading the way for one to be put in place.
On March 19th, MP Gazan announced the beginning of the formal study for the alert system and one month later, the 2024 Federal Budget included a $1.3 million investment for its implementation.
The council is hopeful the federal government will implement the system throughout the entire country soon.
Photo: Local photographer and digital artist, Roselyn Andress of McKerrow, produced this piece of work to mark REDress Day. As an artist, she often chooses theme sharing a kind or uplifting message. Photo provided