By Rosalind Russell – A Toronto-based business man and long-time police officer has come before Elliot Lake Council to talk about his non-profit organization, Right Track Racing, taking over the organization of the annual Elliot Lake Fishing Derby, one of the largest of its kind in Ontario.
The city has been running the derby for some 15 years but has been looking for another organization to take it over.
Right Track Racing owner, Blaise Kurucz, says his organization hosts events focused on youth, family and safety, and will have a team in place to oversee the complete organization of the event to be held at Spine Beach in late February/early March.
He adds local volunteers are more than welcome, and more information will be released soon.
Council thanked him for stepping up and Economic Development Manager Steven Antunes will be the liaison between the city and the non-profit in organizing the event, which attracts around 500 fishers from across Ontario.
More information about the work carried out by Right Track Racing is available at: www.righttrackracing.ca
Screenshot by Rosalind Russell