Sables-Spanish Rivers Township council passes contentious recreational vehicle bylaw

By Rosalind Russell – This week’s meeting of Sables-Spanish Rivers Township council was a contentious one with police presence.

Over the last couple of months, the issue of establishing a bylaw on recreational vehicles has raised division in the community with some residents verbally voicing their opposition loudly.

To that end, Mayor Kevin Burke had an OPP officer present this week to ensure order when the bylaw came up for final reading.

Deputy Mayor Mike Mercieca was the only councillor to oppose its passing receiving an ovation from the audience when he made his opinions known.

Following the recorded vote, several members of the audience voiced their discontent.

Despite the opposition, the bylaw is now law and residents will have to pay a $200 fee this year, $400 a year starting in 2024 to have a recreational vehicle on their land depending on type and length of use or face penalties for failing to do so.

For the video of the meeting, visit

Photo: Sables-Spanish Rivers Township council gave final reading to a recreational vehicle bylaw this week. Photo by Blake Wisz –

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