By Grant Lewis – Yes Virginia there is a Santa Claus and a SNOW DANCE!!!
It is winter and we should have snow….after all we want to keep the snowmobiles and skiers happy! And here is the official snow dance……. “..right step, step, touch, step …sway,sway, sway as you turn left and repeat…”. Tom and Claudia Hutchison, pictured below, with Wally, certainly hope you try it out. After a very dismal ski season last year, they are positive this winter will be different…..in a snowy way that is!
President of Boogie Mountain Paul Stewart and his Board of Directors are doing their best to get the hill ready for Mother Nature to do her job. Plans are well underway for a 24 hour ski-a-thon to raise money for charity on February 8th as part of Winter Carnaval. The groomer is ready to create cross country ski trails on the property for Xcountry skiing and snowshoeing. There will be racing weekends, school visits, lessons, group activities, and stay tuned for Lions Senior Ski days!
The Espanola Lions is always keen on supporting Boogie Mountain. A cheque for $6,000 was presented to Tom and Claudia from monies raised through Catch the Ace.