By Rosalind Russell – Espanola council has asked town staff to go back and see how a 1% decrease in the potential 2025 Municipal Budget would look like.
Last night, council discussed the first draft of the budget, which sits at 5.99% in tax increase, 2.2 % due to the loss of assessment on the Domtar pulp and paper mill, and the remaining 3.9% in maintaining municipal services and properties.
Councillors recognized the budget is a tight one and that there is no leeway in the Domtar assessment with the town having no control over that number.
Councillor Aidan Kallioinen asked how much would 1% be in terms of real dollars for taxpayers.
Town CAO, Clerk Joseph Burke responded it would equal around $80,000, around $25 in savings for the average ratepayer, but that would mean there would be an impact on services.
Council however agreed to have a further look, and Burke will work on a report with the treasurer to see the ramifications of a 1% decrease.
Council will come back for a special budget meeting on Wednesday, February 5th at 6 pm to discuss the findings and decide their next move with the municipal budget.