Royal Canadian Legion donates to local firefighting departments

By Rosalind Russell – The president of the Espanola Royal Canadian Legion Branch 39 made two special donations to local firefighting departments yesterday afternoon.

President Gary McPherson, who also sits as the charitable foundation chair for the zone, was also there representing the Ontario Command branches and Ladies Auxiliary Charitable Foundation of the Royal Canadian Legion.

McPherson adds these upper organizations support other community-based organizations financially with funds raised through various activities to support other vital service organizations.

He says funds are also used for different programs such as veterans’ welfare, medical equipment and bursaries.

McPherson presented the Baldwin and Espanola volunteer fire departments with $6,500 each, which will be used for equipment and ongoing training.

PHOTO: The Espanola donation will go towards the purchase of life -saving rescue tools for the Department, specifically an e-draulic battery operated ram, often referred to as the Jaws of Life. From left to right: Espanola Mayor Doug Gervais, Councillors Cheryl Kennelly and Ken Duplessis, Ryan Kingyens, Henry Girard, Robert Creaser, Fred Gagan, Rob McKechnie, Assistant Chief Jamie Ramsay, Fire Chief Mike Pichor, Comrade Gary MacPherson, Br 39 President, Zone H3 Charitable Foundation Chair and Gerry Massicotte.

The Baldwin Volunteer Firefighters were pleased to receive the support of the Royal Canadian Legion
On hand for the donation left to right: Comrade Gary MacPherson, Br 39 President, Zone H3 Charitable Foundation Chair, Baldwin Fire Chief Richard Austin, Austin Leclair, Kyle Gagne, Mayor Vern Gorham, Dustin Piche and Emilyann Gamble.

Photos provided

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