PTSD focus part of trans-Canada walk

By Rosalind Russell – A proud Canadian and former officer is breaking the stigma associated with PTSD amongst the public safety and military communities by walking across Canada to create awareness.

Kennedy, who stopped in Espanola on Saturday says he started out in Cranbrook, British Columbia last year, but had to end his walk in Montreal due to a medical emergency.

He says he will pick up his walk next Friday in Quebec City and hopes to arrive in St John’s, Newfoundland by the end of summer.

Kennedy says he decided to do the walk because he could not deal with his demons as a highway patrol member back in August 2020.

He admits he considered suicide, but for some unknown reason, the idea of the walk came to mind adding he is a much better person now and glad to be alive.

Kennedy adds the highlight of the walk has been the kindest of other people across our country and support for the cause.

For the link on his endeavour, visit our websites.

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