By Rosalind Russell – There will be no chickens allowed in the urban areas of Sables-Spanish Rivers Township, specifically Webbwood and Massey.
While free range chickens are allowed in the rural areas of the township, council was not unanimous when it comes to allowing them in the urban centres.
Mayor Kevin Burke who has dealt with the issue in 2020 and 2022 as a councillor says he still rejects the idea for several reasons including avian flu, an increase in rodents, maintenance and public health issues, and noise.
He adds enforcement of the bylaw would add more work for staff and double the budget.
Other councillors also held much the same views, but some thought it could be looked at in more depth for discussion at another time.
However, the majority of council voted to reject the first motion to allow for the planning consultants to draft a bylaw and for further public consultation.
A majority of council voted in favour of the second motion not to allow chickens to be kept in urban areas of the township.
Photo: Sables-Spanish Rivers Township council has said no to allowing chickens in its urban areas of Webbwood and Massey. Photo by the Brewers –