Archibald wants reinstatement as chief of AFN 

By Rosalind Russell – The ousted national chief of the Assembly of First Nations is looking for support, especially from Indigenous women, to be reinstated.  

RoseAnne Archibald of Taykwa Tagamou First Nation, near Cochrane, Ontario, is calling on all First Nations People to call or email their chiefs and councils… and do two things; one: reinstate her as national chief and two: make sure the forensic audit goes ahead. 

 That audit is one that Archibald’s been demanding since becoming chief almost two years ago to investigate what she calls corruption in the AFN.  

She says she doesn’t want to be reinstated because of her ego, but because she has a sacred responsibility to fulfill.  

(With files from Bob McIntyre) 

Photo: Roseanne Archibald is asking for the support of First Nations in having her reinstated as national chief. She was ousted last week but continues to demand a forensic audit of AFN finances. Photo provided by ORC.

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