By Rosalind Russell – Recycling is a big part of Espanola High School in its efforts to be a top eco school in Canada.
EcoSchools Canada offers a certification program for elementary and secondary schools, nurturing environmental learning and climate action.
The certification program is free for publicly funded schools, helping to incentivize, track and reward environmental actions that reduce energy and waste, raise awareness, and incorporate environmental learning into curriculum.
One of Espanola High School’s most recent projects is recycling non-animal food waste from the school’s cafeteria.
Food is recycled and distributed in the community, for example, with one farmer using the recycled waste to feed his pigs.
The rest of the food waste is burned and churned in three Foodcycler systems, turned into compost and then used to nourish the school’s fruit tree, and vegetable and flower gardens, and in the greenhouse.
Even the buckets used for the project are put to good use as food waste storage, in the art department or used for storage.